Miyabi Daiko is a student society of Syugakukan High School from Yatsushiro City, Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan. Miyabi Daiko was founded by both current and former directors of the school board, Mr. Syaga Nakakawa and Fumio Nakakawa, with the mission to research the Japanese spirit of “KOKORO” and to promote humanity.
Miyabi Daiko has been invited to perform at more than 100 events. It represented Kumamoto City five times to take part in the Arts Festival of Japanese High Schools. Its outstanding performances have been highly recognized with various major awards including The First Place Prize awarded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture in the 29th Arts Festival of Japanese High Schools. This was the first Daiko team of Kumamoto City received this honor. They also won the special honor of Outstanding Performance in the 30th Kyoto Cultural Festival, and performed in front of the royal family on behalf of Kumamoto folklore groups in the 12th Arbor Day Ceremony.