Kagura, literally referring to entertaining the gods, is a sacred Japanese dance and...
Maikawa Shishi-Odori is based in the southern Iwate Prefecture, Ma...
The Jumping Drum Dance of Longde Temple was established in 1976. The team participate...
The White Crane Troupe of Qigu Jade Baoan Temple was founded in 1982 in Xigang xiangk...
The Wu Jing Tang Pat-Ka-Tsiòng of Xinhua Zhenshou Temple was founded in 2005 b...
Each performance of the Bullfight generally lasts within 15 minutes. It is composed o...
The Ox and Plow Song is an important troupe performed during koah-hiun festival in Xi...
In Xigang koah-hiun festival, the Ox and Plow Song of Dongzhulin Baoan Temple is rega...
Established in 1992, National University of Tainan Folk Team aims to popularize and p...
Generated from Song Jiang Battle Array, Golden Lion Array not only keeps the spirit o...