
《NEWS》Call for Group Recruitment for 2020 Nan Ying International Folklore Festival

date- 2019/06/28

Nan Ying International Folklore Festival has been a biennial festival since 1996. The festival is to preserve the cultural heritages of nations from all over the world and to provide an opportunity for international cultural exchange.
2020 Nan Ying International Folklore Festival is estimated to be held from Oct. 1st to 10th, and we sincerely invite friends around the globe to participate in this joyful and passionate festival in southern Taiwan.

The application will be due on November 30th, 2019, applied via email; all application materials shall be written in English.

Please refer to the following guide book and application form for further information.
For any inquiry, please contact us via email (nyiff.tw@gmail.com) or Facebook fan page (https://www.facebook.com/ArtsTainan.NYIFF/).

Look forward to meeting you soon!

檔案名稱 連結
NYIFF 2020 Guide_English 下載
NYIFF 2020 Application Form 下載
NYIFF 2020 Guide_Japanese 下載
NYIFF 2020_Application Form(Japanese) 下載
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